Influence: a lesson in trust

People are influenced by who they trust in. It’s become an inevitable part of life to be able to have ourselves swayed by who we believe in somewhat. By ourselves, it is meant the opinions, positions and characters surely that we are capable of acquiring through influential contact. It needn’t be emphasized on how social media has accelerated the capacity for this to happen. Before now, people would mostly know influencers from afar by reason of the forms of media or social position. The game changer that social media brings is the ability to eradicate isolationism through updates, up closures and physical conceptualization. And because influencers are but persons worthy of esteem, we can many times relate to their preferences – hence the influence. 

The power in influence can be misused or used rightly. It can also be generated from the basics, but the difference is usually in the swayed population – the numbers. If we inspect our worlds, we’ll find persons who are already moved and led by the quality of our actions. 
The question then becomes, to what end should we keep at quality actions to make of those whom we influence? The answer generally should be for rightful reasons. When we work our way to exceed regular standards, gain the respect of friends and strangers alike and perform well before the eyes of nonchalant onlookers, we must look to applying the trust we would have derived in only the right directions! 

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