
​THE MYSTERY OF HIS BIRTH. Just Jesus – DAY 16 | Expounding 

Christ had the most dramatic birth story ever known. That means, He wasn’t even yet born and there were already big stories to tell of Him. Someone phenomenal was hitting the earth, was coming to be with man, was – Emmanuel. He was that Word which became flesh and dwelt amongst us, the tangible presence of the ancient of days. This is the outline of the essence of His coming. To associate with man again and return him to being like Himself.

Christ was hence born in Bethlehem, away in a manger. Although a native of Nazareth. And manifested in Jerusalem and beyond. The sequence is indicative of the mystery of His actions in those that are His. Though we are of where we hail from by birth, we get reborn into Him away from the old and former ancestral foundations. And the hope of our glory does not stand to come from a small, tiny circle of our past but a rather hopeful manifestation to the wider world.  

Christ in us manifested, was the target of the Son of God. To take us from where we have been, through where we come from to a better place He’s headed. Christmas, because He had to come and do this Himself to make it perfect. Christmas is regardful of the personal attempt of God to gain man. Contrastingly, His being born was a quiet event only genuinely understood and celebrated by heaven before announced to be made remarkable by men because of the gravity of what outstanding feat would take place. It had been prophesied for too long that God would come to be amongst men and, all of creation was anticipating this. But the formula for the birth of the greatest King was reversed and made subtle. His birth was the genesis of a great MISSION. A MISSION of God to every creature.